Saturday, January 8, 2011

Tanda tanda kiamat

* Adultery will be prevalent in the open light. (H.r. Bukhari) * As-sa’ah will come when adultery was rampant. (Al-Haytsami, Kitab al-Fitan) * Men will imitate women, and women will imitate men. ('Allamah Jalaluddin Suyuti, ad-Durr-Mantsur) * Approaching As-sa’ah (the Day of Resurrection) will come a time when science (religion) will be revoked (disappeared) and ignorance spread everywhere ... (Hr Bukhari) * There will come a time in my Ummah, when nothing remains of the Qur'an except the form of the birth, and nothing remains of Islam except its name and they will call themselves by this name even though they are the ones most distant from him. (Ibn Babuya, Tsawab al-A'mal) * Rasulullah SAW. talk about something and said: "It will take place in which science is not there anymore." (Ziyad) said: "O Rasulullah SAW,. how science will vanish when we were reading the Qur'an and teach reading to our children, and child Our children will be taught to their children until the Day of Resurrection? "He saw. said: "Ziyad, would not Jews and Christians read the Torah and the Gospel but did not live up to what is contained in it?" (Hr Ahmad, Ibn Majah, Tirmizi) * Before the Day of Judgement there will be riots like the parts of dark night where a man in the morning still believe and disbelieve in the afternoon, or evening and the morning still believing infidels. (H.r. Abu Dawud) * It looks at the period end later the people who would benefit the world by using religion. (H.r. Tirmizi) * Rasulullah SAW. said, "In the End Times will come the people who did not hesitate to use religion for worldly goals and shuf wear (clothing made from wool) in public to show simplicity. Their tongues sweeter than sugar, but their hearts are the hearts of wolves. "(Hr Tirmizi) * In the End Times among believers, the people, who decorate the mosques but left their own hearts are in the rubble, which did not treat their religion as those they are so he care of their clothes, which ignore the obligations their religion for their worldly interests, will multiply in number. (H.r. Bukhari and Muslim) * As-sa’ah (the Day of Resurrection) will come when the rulers were oppressors. * There will come a time when the hypocrites will live secretly in the midst of you, and those who have faith will try to practice their religion in secret in the midst of other people. (H.r. Bukhari and Muslim) * Anyone who reads the Koran then ask (reward) to Allah. Because . at the last moment will be many people who read the Koran and asked for wages of him to others. (H.r. Tirmizi) * There will come a time where the rich people will go to Hajj for sightseeing, people who haves for business purposes, wise men to show off and the poor to beg. (Narrated by Anas r.a.) * There will come the years of confusion. People will believe a liar, and does not believe in the people who tell the truth. People will not trust a person who has the nature of trust, and trust the person who has a treacherous nature. (H.r. Ahmad) * Day of Judgement will not arrive until the people of the lowest are the people most happy. (H.r. Tirmizi) * Prior to the arrival As-sa’ah (Judgement Day), there will be a special greeting to those privileged. (H.r. Ahmad) * There will be no court until the greeting is not given to the people but only to certain people only. (Mukhtasar Tadzkirah work Qurtubi) * Only people who are known just who will get the greeting ... (Ahmad Dhiya 'ad-Din al-Kamushkhanawi, Ramuz al-ahaadeeth) * When the power or authority delivered into the hands of people who do not deserve, so watch the destruction (of Judgement). (Hr Bukhari) * A person no longer has ties of affection with his mother, and her father drove all the way ... (Hr Tirmizi) * First of all there will be commotion at one's self about his family, his property, his own self, his children, his neighbors. (H.r. Bukhari and Muslim) * Young people would have revolted and the nature of love and respect between young people and adults will get worse: When a parent does not love the young, when the young do not respect the elderly ... when the children became irritable ... the Court is very near. (Narrated by Umar r.a.) * The divorce will become daily events. ('Allamah Safarini, ahwal Yaum al-Qiyamah) * There will be lots of children born of adultery. (Al-Muttaqi al-Hindi, Muntakhab Kanzul 'Ummaal) Influenced by materialism and its global outlook, people will be very sticky with this world, and forget the hereafter. This is another characteristic of the End Times: * Pettiness and greed will double. (H.r. Muslim and Ibn Majah) At that time, people will sell their religion for the sake of a piece of worldly goods. (H.r. Ahmad) * A Hadith tells us that the people will curse and swear at each other with each other: On the Last Day, there will be people who when they meet each other condemned and denounced, rather than each other in greeting. ('Allamah Jalaluddin Suyuti, Durar-Mantsur) * There will be a lot of builders criticism, al-qashshash (storyteller), who likes to do backbiting (discussing ugliness someone from behind), and carpenters ridicule in the community. (Al-Muttaqi al-Hindi, Muntakhab Kanzul 'Ummaal) * When the Court closer ... people who are most respected in those days were the sycophants and people who likes to make faces. (H.r. Bukhari and Muslim) * The End will not arrive until the emergence of the people who make a living with their tongues as well as cows eat with his tongue. (H.r. Tirmizi). * Fraud and cheating will become the norm. ('Allamah Safarini, ahwal Yaum al-Qiyamah) * Bribery will be called a gift, and will be considered kosher. (Charity ad-Din al-Qazwini, Mufid al-'Ulum Mubid wa-al-Humum) * As-sa’ah (Last Day) will not happen until the increase in murders. (Hr Bukhari)

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