Saturday, September 11, 2004


One day 'Umar ibn al-Khattab who has served as Commander of the Faithful to meet Amir Adzra'at by wearing garments of coarse material patched. Umar asked for help to the Amir to add patches on his clothes. Amir then washed and patches it.

We handed it back to the Commander of the Faithful he also handed him a new outfit just made for him. Amir thinks, so he's lucky if the Commander of the Faithful to accept and wear clothes that made it. He said, "This is your clothes and I make one for you."

'Umar touch. Clothing of the material was smooth and fine stitching. Shortly Umar cuddled. As Amir's heart began Adzra'at flowery, Commander of the Faithful said, "Sorry, I do not need it. My clothes are still able to wear and better absorb perspiration. Once again I'm sorry, you can give it to people who need it more than me."

Amir Adzra'at could do nothing but admire the asceticism Commander of the Faithful. Asceticism Commander of the Faithful to the world that came to him. And Amir Adzra'at not the only person who ever rejected by the Commander of the Faithful.

A friend once said, "O friend of immigrants and Ansar, have not you seen this man asceticism and owned properties. So far, we only consider ourselves and forget about it. Since God put Khusraw and the Emperor's palace with his hand to us, and also parts of the East and West, the Arab envoys and foreign Arabs coming in succession. They see our leaders with a patched shirt twelve. any of you who suggested that our leaders are slightly alter appearance: a smooth dress that looked more authoritative? "

No one else agreed friend. They know who 'Umar bin Khathab and consistency when it dropped an option. Especially if the choice is believed to be the right choice, as taught by the Prophet.

Suddenly 'Aisha ventured. Instead of 'Aisha did not know. But he wants everyone to know who was' Umar. And when 'Aisha told of thought some friends in connection with his appearance, at once' Umar wept bitterly. 'Umar firm. 'Umar the brave. 'Umar who was feared by the devil. After the tears subsided 'Umar said, "In the name of Allah I ask you. Please answer honestly. Did the Prophet fill of wheat bread for ten days, or five days, or three days, or ever he collected between dinner and breakfast until now death before? "

"No," said Ayesha who understand the true life of the Prophet.

So from then on all those present know that 'Umar ibn al-Khattab had been convinced by his choice. He chose eternal life together with the people he loved, in the Hereafter. A straight answer about it ever be explained to Hafsa, daughter who is also the wife of the Prophet.

At that time, Hafsa said, "O Commander of the Faithful, I wish you wore more subtle than this for you use and enjoy the food better than this for you to eat. Indeed, God has expanded and increased your Sustenance

"Do not you remember the hardships that befall the Prophet, Abu Bakr, too?" replied 'Umar.

Hafsa was silent. He did not answer and slowly melt the tears on her cheeks. Hafsa wept.

"By Allah, I want to be with them both. I do not want in the next is not reunited with them. I'm just going to live like their life together. Weighing anything, I promise to go through it. With this I hope will find the pleasure of Allah and collected by two of them, "said 'Umar.

Al-Faruq, the distinguishing truth and falsehood have chosen eternal pleasure and leave a mirage. And the choice has opened the eyes of those who deceived the world of luxury and splendor due to the abundant wealth and status they get.

At that time, Commander of the Faithful is on the way people look at conditions in the country far from the capital. The news of his departure had already reached Syria, the country was going. The people were waiting for his arrival. On the day of the estimated Commander of the Faithful came to Syria, residents lined up along the road. From the distance a man who was riding a camel. He sat in the saddle, made of coarse wool. Tattered clothes man with patches here and there.

"Did you see the Commander of the Faithful?"

"Did you meet with her party?" they asked.

The man smiled and replied, 'Commander of the Faithful is in front of you all. "

People were leaving the man and immediately welcomed a group of people who look from a distance. She let him continue his journey. They have been wrong. The group of people was Commander of the Faithful group. But the Commander of the Faithful had preceded them. Commander of the Faithful is a camel rider, who some time before they met. Their love of the Prince of Believers became more fertile. (Shafi'i / ar-risaiah)

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