Thursday, December 3, 2009

Armed To Life After Death

Written by Abu Umar Abd

"O ye who believe, fear Allah and let every soul consider what he had done for the next day (the Hereafter), and fear Allah, verily Allah is Informed of what ye do." (Surat al-Hashr 18)
This verse invites us to always remember and re-examine the provisions that we prepare for life after death. Major benefits will we get if we see the lack of supplies which we must prepare. Because this will spur us to cover the shortage and increased compliance charity. But if we ujub, felt he had achieved a certain degree of faith, felt he had a lot of good savings, then this will make us be deceived.
Three Ways to expel Ujub
Imam Shafi'i gives tips to us quickly so as not to proud of our successful charity exert, or sins that we can leave. He said, "If you're worried about catching ujub, then remember three things; pleasure who you're looking for, the pleasure which you seek, and the dangers which you want to run. Whoever thought these three things, surely he would sell short what he had accomplished. "
Advice of his depth. Let us answer these three questions, then we Selami depth of meaning from such advice.
First, satisfaction who you were looking for? The answer of course ideally the pleasure of Allah that we are looking for. But what about applications? We look at what we do every day, is there every step, our gestures, our silence and speak, eyes closed and we are always maintained to achieve His pleasure? Persistence and even human sacrifice to get pleasure boss, lover, or to have authority in the community is often more powerful than he attempt to reach the pleasure of Allah.
Second, what pleasure do you seek? Of course we will answer, "Jannah pleasure." As always our prayers prayed,
"O Allah, I plead to you Jannah." (Abu Dawud)
But, have proper that we do business day-to-day are rewarded with a reward of Jannah are identical with unparalleled pleasure and there is nothing identical to the misery and suffering? How much calculation time we use to worship God, then compare it with our desire to get pleasure jannah.
Many people are willing to work 8 hours a day, for a luxury home ten or a dozen years later. But, there's more luxurious home from home in jannah described by the Prophet, "stone-bricks of gold and brick of silver?" Which is more extensive,
dream home, or house in Jannah Prophet mentioned,
"The length as far as 60 miles." (Reported by Muslim)
So think about it, how much time should we use every day, so we get a big house and such beautiful? Whoever ponders this, will undoubtedly assume that the charity had not amount to much. Not yet worth the effort he did with the 'gift' that was promised by God to the believers in Jannah.
Third, the danger of what we want to run? Of course we will answer, "From the torment of hell fire", as it is also a request that we always prayed to God,
"O Allah, I seek refuge in You from Hell." (Abu Dawud)
The problem is, is there any acts that we do every day already reflects the condition of people who escape from the danger of hell are very powerful? Or the way we are as described by the Salaf as many people pay attention to sleep at night without a prayer, "I'm surprised with silken garments, how people can sleep soundly while he said he was chasing. And I was surprised to hell, how can people sleep soundly, while he admitted that he was running from danger? "
Maybe we've seen people afflicted with a disease fear, afraid of being arrested officials, fear of layoffs from a company, afraid of being robbed and others. They also act extra careful and alert to the possibilities that occur. And it was nothing compared to the threat of hell. But what we are claiming fear of hell is more fearful and wary of their state?
No doubt, if we consider the three cases above, we will feel, how charitable we are still far from perfect, is still far from proper. So we do not deserve to ujub and proud. We should recast our supplies, researching that none spilled, and we are sorting and selecting, which must be taken, and which must be left behind.
Do Wrong Bringing Gifts
For charitable spirit is good. But every charity should be preceded with the correct knowledge. If not, could be taken wrong sustenance. Like a traveler who brings a pile of gravel on the way, he thought that provision of help in the journey, not just a burden on him to incriminate his journey. This parable for those who labor without the right knowledge based, so he fell to the heresy that is not exemplified by the Prophet and taught by the Law. God preach the tragic fate in the Hereafter that experienced by people who mistakenly take stock,
"Say:" Shall We inform you about the people who lose most actions. Those who have been in vain deeds in this life, while they thought that they were doing their best. (Surat al-Kahf: 104)
Ibn Qayyim al-Jauziyah in his commentary explains this verse,
"This is a condition people have a lot of charity, but he did not for God or do not follow the Sunnah of the Messenger of Allah."
We seek refuge in Allah from misguidance goals and actions.
Written by Abu Umar Abdallah [Al Risalah]

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