Monday, December 20, 2010

only exist in a muslim

Admirable character not found in the private non-believer Messenger shollallohu 'alaihi wa sallam said, "It's amazing the affairs of a believer. In fact all of his business is good. And it will not be obtained except by a believer. If he gets the pleasure, then he was grateful. So it is good for him. And when he was crushed by sorrow and he be patient. So it is also good for him. "(Narrated by Muslim) Two pillars of faith Ibn Qoyyim rohimahulloh in Madarij as-Salikin explained that faith is composed of two parts, one part of the patient and one other part that is gratitude. There is a similar history of the Prophet shollallohu 'alaihi wa sallam, but history was attenuated by Shaykh al-Albani (see ad-Dho'ifah [625]). Ibn Qoyyim also illustrates that the patience of faith like the head of a human body. Similar expression was also narrated from Ali ibn Abi Tholib rodhiyallohu'anhu. Thus, there is no faith in this person who does not have the patience, as well as the body does not function if there is no head (see Hasyiyah Book at-Tawheed). Similarly gratitude, he is proof of the seriousness of a servant in the service and submit to Robbnya. Allah ta'ala says (which means), "And give thanks to Allah if you truly worship Him only." (Surah al-Baqarah: 172). Allah created hearing, sight, and heart is to give thanks to Him. Allah ta'ala says (which means), "Allah remove you from your mothers stomach in a state you do not know anything, and Allah created for you hearing, sight, and hopefully your hearts be grateful (to Him) . '(Surat an-Nahl: 78). Gratitude when get pleasure Gratitude is a very great worship. Allah ta'ala says (which means), "Remember you told me then I too will remember you, and give thanks to Me and do not you Kufr." (Surah al-Baqoroh: 152). Anyone who give thanks to Allah then Allah will add pleasure to Him. Conversely, anyone who actually Kufr then surely Allah is very harsh punishment. Allah says (which means), "And remember when you announce to you Robb; If you give thanks then will I add My favor upon you and if you kufr, my real punishment is very harsh." (Surah Ibrahim: 7). The essence of it is to acknowledge gratitude in my heart that there are blessings that this is from Allah, praise Allah with his tongue, and the favors were to be obedient to Him. In the as-Salikin Madarij, Ibnul Qoyyim rohimahulloh explained that the gratitude that would erect if supported by five pillars: [1] subject and modestly grateful to the Essence of Allah,-that is, [2] love to Him, [3] recognizes that delicious it is His gift, [4] His praise-the-top verbal overflow of blessings, and [5] do not use it in case the hated Him. These are the five pillars of gratitude, if one of them is missing then cacatlah gratitude is in itself a servant. Do not get me wrong! But we should realize that the blessings that are owned by everyone-even the pagans once did-and some are only owned by the believers. Worldly blessings such as food, drink, shelter, health, and wealth is a blessing that obtained by believers and unbelievers. Allah ta'ala says (which means), "On that day-apocalypse-not useful treasures and lineage but of the face Allah with the heart of the survivors." (Surah as-Syu'aro ': 88-89). Shollallohu Prophet, upon him blessings and peace, "If children descended from Adam has two treasure valley he would still be looking for a third. And will never clog cavity son of Adam except the soil, and Allah accepted his repentance to anyone who would repent. "(Narrated by Bukhari). Therefore this kind of pleasure rather than the size of the true glory and happiness. Allah ta'ala says (which means), "As for man, if it imposes Robbnya exam devoted to him with glory and pleasure to him then he said, 'Robbku hath honored'. And when he tested it by limiting fortune undoubtedly he would say, 'Robbku been humiliated'. May it not the case ... "(Surah al-Fajr: 15-17). Ibnul Qoyyim rohimahulloh said, "Its meaning is: It is not every person who I (Allah) gave glory in the world and I give him the pleasure of the world then that means I actually gave a real pleasure to him. For indeed it is a trial from me to him at once as a test for him. Nor is every person who I limit fortune so I will make only limited to what is needed without any excess so that means I'm humiliating himself. But actually I was testing my servant with favors as well as I wanted to test himself with various forms of calamities. "(Astral conjunction 'al-Juyusy al-Islamiyah) While blessings in the form of understanding about religion, filial piety, and a wife who Sholihah is part of the real joys of life. Messenger shollallohu 'alaihi wa sallam said, "Those who desired either by Allah it will make know in terms of religion." (Narrated by Bukhari and Muslim). As Allah also told about Ibadur Rahman who pray to Allah in His word (which means), "O our Robb,give to us, our wives and our offspring as conditioning our hearts, and make as a leader for those the cautious. "(Surah al-Furqan: 74). But of course it should not be dragging people proud-proud and arrogant with the knowledge and charity. Therefore, Allah says about those who truly knowledgeable (which means), "Behold the fear of Allah among His servants are the knowledgeable people." (Surah Fathir: 29 28). Ibn Abi Mulaikah said, "I met thirty companions of the Messenger shollallohu 'alaihi wa sallam, they all feel the fear that he hit hypocrisy." (Narrated by Bukhari in mu'allaq). Pray to be grateful to Him Mu'adh bin Jabal-radhiyallohu 'anhu, related that one day the Messenger shollallohu' alaihi wa sallam held his hand while saying, "Hi Mu'adh, for the sake of Allah! I really love you. By Allah, I really love you. "Then he said," I testament Mu'adh hi to you, do not you leave the reading each time at the end of prayer you should pray, 'Allohumma a'inni' ala dzikrika wa syukrika wa hosny 'ibadatik '(Oh Allah, help me to remember You, thank You, and worship thee well). "(Narrated by Abu Dawood, al-Albani validated in Shohih Sunan Abi Dawood wa Dho'if [1522]) Patience when calamity strikes Disaster in the form of the disease, accidents, poverty, is the usual case encountered by humans. There is no difference between those who believe with those who disbelieve, they all can get it. It's just a really believes in Allah and His destiny then he would make the accident as a reward for her field. Allah ta'ala says (which means), "And indeed We really will test you with a bit of fear, hunger, and lack of property, loss of life, and at least some fruit. So give glad tidings to those who wait. That is, people who, when calamity strikes, they say, Surely we belong to Allah and we shall return to Him. They are the people who get the greeting salawat / Robb praise of them and an outpouring of grace, and they are the ones who get a clue. "(Surah al-Baqoroh: 155-157). Patience is a gift Messenger shollallohu 'alaihi wa sallam said, "It is not someone get a gift better and more spacious than patience." (Narrated by Bukhari and Muslim). The nature of the patient is to refrain from anger to Allah, to hold an oral order not to complain and angry with destiny, and detained members of the body for not doing things-things that are prohibited such as slap-slap cheek, tearing clothes, etc. (Hasyiyah Book at -Tawheed). Indeed with the disaster, then a servant will receive forgiveness from Allah Ta'ala. Messenger shollallohu 'alaihi wa sallam said, "It is a misfortune that befell a Muslim but Allah will cancel out any sin with him until the thorns that pierced his body." (Narrated by Bukhari and Muslim). Messenger shollallohu 'alaihi wa sallam said, "If Allah wants good in myself a servant of Allah would hasten the punishment for him in the world. And if Allah willed evil for His slave then Allah will delay the punishment for his sin until the day of Judgement new sentence will be fulfilled. "(Narrated by Tirmidhi, al-Albani validated in Shohih al-Jami '[308]). Nevertheless, one should not pray to Allah to hasten the punishment in the world. It is said that once the Messenger shollallohu 'alaihi wa sallam had visited a sick among his companions, whose condition is very weak. So the Prophet asked him, "Are you asking or praying to Allah before this thing?". And the man replied, "Yes, I once prayed: O Allah, the punishment would you give to me in the afterlife then immediately for me in the world." Then the Messenger shollallohu 'alaihi wa sallam also said, "Subhanalloh! You definitely will not be able to bear it, would not you'd better pray; Allohumma aatinaa fid dunya hasanah wa fil aakhiroti hasanah wa qinaa 'adzaaban naar (O Allah, give us good in this world and good in the Hereafter, and guard us from hell). "So he prayed with him and be cured by Allah. (Narrated by Muslim). Together with a great reward patience Messenger shollallohu 'alaihi wa sallam said, "Truly a great reward it with tremendous trial as well. And if Allah loves a people then Allah will inflict disaster upon them. Whoever the pleasure of Allah will be pleased with him. And whoever the wrath of the wrath of others will get. "(Narrated by Tirmidhi, dihasankan al-Albani in as-Shohihah [146]). One time the Prophet shollallohu 'alaihi wa sallam was asked, "Who is the toughest the test?". Then he answered, "The Prophet, then people who like them afterwards, and people like them the next. Someone that will be tested in accordance with their religious content. If the strong man his religion the harder the test. If his religion is weak then he will tested accordance with their religious content. Then disaster struck and the temptation was always a servant until he was left to walk on earth is clean of sin. "(Narrated by Tirmidhi, he said: hasan shohih) Patience also need the help of Allah Allah ta'ala says (which means), "Be patient, and it is not patience but with the help of Allah." (Surat an-Nahl: 127). That is because the patient was included three scopes: [1] The patient in performing obedience, [2] in a patient away from disobedience, and [3] patience in the face of destiny that was painful. Therefore, a servant really need the help of Allah in every movement and step. So no surprise if in every prayer Messenger rak'ahs shollallohu 'alaihi wa sallam taught us to always read the verse' wa iyyaka Iyyaka na'budu nasta'in, ihdinas shirothol mustaqim ... '. Because they do not exist for us they can depend on and mooring heart of worship and ask for help except to Him. And one of the greatest things to request for help to Allah is consistently above the straight path, alias patiently over the truth. Because it combines the straight path between science and practice, the intention is sincere and the right way, while two will not be obtained except with patience. To be consistent in doing obedience of a servant requires patience. As the Messenger shollallohu 'alaihi wa sallam that patience in monotheism preached for years with having to feel the weight of pressure and hostility of his people, indeed relentless struggle that requires extra patience. Similarly, in controlling the passions and temptations of the devil dismissed a servant is also in urgent need of a shield of patience. Messenger shollallohu 'alaihi wa sallam said, "Hell is filled with pleasant contemplates the heaven while it filled with matter-matter that is not fun." (Narrated by Bukhari and Muslim). As the patience of the Prophet Joseph "alaihis greeting that could eventually save him from evil deeds. Similarly, in responding to disasters experienced, patient should remain in the chest and deeds. Messenger shollallohu 'alaihi wa sallam said, "If there is one child that died, the servant of Allah asks his angels,' Did you kill my servant boy? '. So they said, 'Yes.' 'Do you have a baby take a life of my servant?'. So they answered 'Yes.' Then Allah asks, 'What was said by my servant?'. They said, 'He praised You and beristirja'-read innaa lillaahi dst-.. 'So Allah said,' And build for my servant had a house in heaven, and name the house with Bait al-Hamd. '. " (Narrated by Tirmidhi, dihasankan al-Albani in as-Shohihah [1408]). May Allah bestow upon us patience when calamity strikes, patient when away from sin, and patience when running obedience to Him, as we plead with Allah is above the 'Arsh there to kill us as believers who are good grateful to Him. Shollallohu Wa 'ala Nabiyyina Muhammadin wa' ala alihi wa sallam. Walhamdulillahi Robbil 'alamin. [Ari Wahyudi] -------------- Adapted from the site Bulletin At-Tawheed Written in Deep Thinking

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