Thursday, December 3, 2009

Armed To Life After Death

Written by Abu Umar Abd

"O ye who believe, fear Allah and let every soul consider what he had done for the next day (the Hereafter), and fear Allah, verily Allah is Informed of what ye do." (Surat al-Hashr 18)
This verse invites us to always remember and re-examine the provisions that we prepare for life after death. Major benefits will we get if we see the lack of supplies which we must prepare. Because this will spur us to cover the shortage and increased compliance charity. But if we ujub, felt he had achieved a certain degree of faith, felt he had a lot of good savings, then this will make us be deceived.
Three Ways to expel Ujub
Imam Shafi'i gives tips to us quickly so as not to proud of our successful charity exert, or sins that we can leave. He said, "If you're worried about catching ujub, then remember three things; pleasure who you're looking for, the pleasure which you seek, and the dangers which you want to run. Whoever thought these three things, surely he would sell short what he had accomplished. "
Advice of his depth. Let us answer these three questions, then we Selami depth of meaning from such advice.
First, satisfaction who you were looking for? The answer of course ideally the pleasure of Allah that we are looking for. But what about applications? We look at what we do every day, is there every step, our gestures, our silence and speak, eyes closed and we are always maintained to achieve His pleasure? Persistence and even human sacrifice to get pleasure boss, lover, or to have authority in the community is often more powerful than he attempt to reach the pleasure of Allah.
Second, what pleasure do you seek? Of course we will answer, "Jannah pleasure." As always our prayers prayed,
"O Allah, I plead to you Jannah." (Abu Dawud)
But, have proper that we do business day-to-day are rewarded with a reward of Jannah are identical with unparalleled pleasure and there is nothing identical to the misery and suffering? How much calculation time we use to worship God, then compare it with our desire to get pleasure jannah.
Many people are willing to work 8 hours a day, for a luxury home ten or a dozen years later. But, there's more luxurious home from home in jannah described by the Prophet, "stone-bricks of gold and brick of silver?" Which is more extensive,
dream home, or house in Jannah Prophet mentioned,
"The length as far as 60 miles." (Reported by Muslim)
So think about it, how much time should we use every day, so we get a big house and such beautiful? Whoever ponders this, will undoubtedly assume that the charity had not amount to much. Not yet worth the effort he did with the 'gift' that was promised by God to the believers in Jannah.
Third, the danger of what we want to run? Of course we will answer, "From the torment of hell fire", as it is also a request that we always prayed to God,
"O Allah, I seek refuge in You from Hell." (Abu Dawud)
The problem is, is there any acts that we do every day already reflects the condition of people who escape from the danger of hell are very powerful? Or the way we are as described by the Salaf as many people pay attention to sleep at night without a prayer, "I'm surprised with silken garments, how people can sleep soundly while he said he was chasing. And I was surprised to hell, how can people sleep soundly, while he admitted that he was running from danger? "
Maybe we've seen people afflicted with a disease fear, afraid of being arrested officials, fear of layoffs from a company, afraid of being robbed and others. They also act extra careful and alert to the possibilities that occur. And it was nothing compared to the threat of hell. But what we are claiming fear of hell is more fearful and wary of their state?
No doubt, if we consider the three cases above, we will feel, how charitable we are still far from perfect, is still far from proper. So we do not deserve to ujub and proud. We should recast our supplies, researching that none spilled, and we are sorting and selecting, which must be taken, and which must be left behind.
Do Wrong Bringing Gifts
For charitable spirit is good. But every charity should be preceded with the correct knowledge. If not, could be taken wrong sustenance. Like a traveler who brings a pile of gravel on the way, he thought that provision of help in the journey, not just a burden on him to incriminate his journey. This parable for those who labor without the right knowledge based, so he fell to the heresy that is not exemplified by the Prophet and taught by the Law. God preach the tragic fate in the Hereafter that experienced by people who mistakenly take stock,
"Say:" Shall We inform you about the people who lose most actions. Those who have been in vain deeds in this life, while they thought that they were doing their best. (Surat al-Kahf: 104)
Ibn Qayyim al-Jauziyah in his commentary explains this verse,
"This is a condition people have a lot of charity, but he did not for God or do not follow the Sunnah of the Messenger of Allah."
We seek refuge in Allah from misguidance goals and actions.
Written by Abu Umar Abdallah [Al Risalah]
READ MORE- Armed To Life After Death

Sunday, November 29, 2009

Ghost Headquarters grave and Satan?

If a poll conducted for the people of Indonesia, where the location is considered haunted and scary? Almost certainly, the cemetery occupies the largest percentage as a place that is considered the most sinister. Especially if the designated night. This sacredness of the community felt strongly hereditary Indonesia, especially by children.
Soap opera and horror movies on TV only reinforced the impression haunted cemetery in several ways.

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First, as a place to bury the dead, the grave is considered as the spirits
haunted region. In fact, there is no proposition that the dead spirits roam around the cemetery, as well as other places. The soul of the dead no longer able to do as you wish. There is only reaping the results of a charity in the world. If good, he got a delicious, if fajir, then he felt the punishment. thats not in the natural world, but in the other world called barzakh. So there is no reason to be afraid of the people who have died.
Second, the cemetery is also regarded as the headquarters of ghosts and demons. Whether, where this myth started. In fact, demons haunt just looking for prey, to mislead mankind. The Prophet has also shown the places that have the potential to be a haven or a place to live devil, like the toilet and the houses are no Dzikrullah in it, not in the cemetery.
If finally there is 'appearance' or the devil who throw tantrums in the surrounding cemetery, it is because Satan has a vested interest to strengthen the opinion that the haunted graveyard. So, people who do not consider haunted graveyard, rarely experienced such an event.
On the other hand, there is also a cemetery as a place considered auspicious and blessed land. So that the cemetery used as a place to pray to God, or even pray to the occupant of the tomb. This culture spread, almost in every region there is a sacred tomb. Both graves of people who bet is the magic that was visited people who want powerful, and the purported grave of the saints, and visited people who want to find blessing.
Indeed, there is no saheeh proposition that praying to God in the cemetery is more efficacious than in other places such as mosques and homes. So, privileging the cemetery to pray with the assumption that the main place to pray more than anywhere else is heresy.
As for praying to people who have died, including shirk. Since prayer is a prayer, while the service should only be directed to God alone. "And verily the mosques, it belonged to God. So do not you call (praying to) anything in it in addition to (call) of Allah." (Surat al-Jinn: 18)Ar Risalah
READ MORE- Ghost Headquarters grave and Satan?

Sunday, November 22, 2009


Appeal Satan always leads to hell. But do not imagine that the devil only offered for the sin of sins openly. Not infrequently the devil offers good, better version of the goodness of human passions, sometimes even too good in the eyes of the Shari'a.
Short-term targets can vary. It could be a ploy of Satan to persuade people to want to follow a hidden malicious purpose. Or at least make a human sympathy for the devil and his followers. So that people think that Satan can do good.

Trick To Wrong Man
Subject bid 'goodness' which is the devil in order to persuade, there are famous stories about pious wishing to cut down trees that made the offerings. Ibn al-Jawzi mention the story in his book "Talbiisu Ibliis".
There is a tree that made the offerings. Then came a man who intended to cut it down. He said, "What if I cut down this tree!" It was time he went to cut down the tree with angry for God. In the middle of the road, the devil incarnate as a human being intercepted, then asked, "What do you want?" The man answered, "I want to cut down this tree, because it has made gods besides Allah." Satan said, "As long as you do not come worship, what is your problem with people who worship him?
The man said, "I'm still going to cut it down."
Both men struggled to be able to beat devil. Then Satan said, "Would I suggest to you something better than what you want to do? Do you cut them down, and you will get the money two dinars every day!"
The man asked, "Where do I get it?"
Satan incarnate so people say, "I'll give it to you."
The offer was peppered with gloss-polished 'goodness'. Is not the money that he could give charity? Is not the money of two pence per day is enough to finance his life without having to waste time at work, then he could occupy himself with worship?
result, he agreed with the devil bid. He returned to the house, and in the morning right 'did he get the money two dinars under his pillow. But the next day he did not get it. So she began to rage and rushed to immediately cut down the tree. Again, the devil catch the human form as before. Satan asked, "What do you want?" The man answered, "I want to cut down a tree which is worshiped but Allah!" Satan said, "Nonsense, you will not be able to do it!" Both returned to wrestle the devil finally able beat man saying, "You know, who am I? I was the devil. First you came in with a fury for God, then I can not beat you, then I persuade you to the dinar, then I cheat you, then when now you come with anger because of the money two dinars,me able to beat you. "
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Inviting Strategy Sympathy
Sometimes, the devil offers or doing good with the intention of enticing. To be human is resistant to neutral, or even be sympathetic. Despite the good he did sometimes good version of lust.
How often puzzled humans caused unbelievers, heretics or servants of Satan who do 'good'. Confusion that would at least reduce the tension hatred, pulling false verdict, until finally it as a good person.
Still remember the feud between the shaman when United States President to visit Indonesia? Ki Gendeng Pamungkas notebene a shaman who showed antipathy toward George W. Bush. Whereas the general view of Islamic activists and advocates, he is the most evil man most responsible for the massacre of Muslims around the world. Ki Gendeng
voodoo even Bush would announce the Voodo, type of witchcraft through the border region.vacillation started covering some of the community, including the Muslims. To whom favor to be given. To the shaman, called Ibn al-Qayyim as' the apostle of Satan, or whether Bush is considered a human devil?devil voodo the devil?
results, not a few who then gave an appreciation of Ki Gendeng action. A banner that clearly includes the words "I hope Bush got wizards," color anti-Bush demo citizens.
Meanwhile, on the part of the pro-Bush, other shamans, he could not stay silent. They mobilize domestic genies them to fortify the bush from the wizards. This group was won, until after Bush's visit, at the Bogor Palace was a shaman ritual slaughter of geese following two other uba rampe as offerings. When asked about the procession, the shaman said, "This event is to summon genies back I've posted to protect and Bogor Presidential Palace during a visit bush." He claimed, a few days earlier had put the genie 1000 for this purpose. The reason was also to 'good', ie that witchcraft does not stray to president SBY. Well! What is not confusing?
That trick of Satan, also taught strategies for loyal followers. Be assured, any good done by merely pepesan empty. If it was not to persuade to disobedience, the 'goodness' was made to invite sympathy, sympathy for human beings and not him as an enemy.
But God said, "Verily Satan is an enemy to you, so treat him as an enemy (you), because the real devil-worship was only to bring them into golongannya Hell fire." (Surah Fatir: 6)
Whatever he does, as tall as any 'good' that ditampakkannya, Satan is the enemy. Taufiq billahit Wa. (Abu Umar A.) Ar Risalah


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is a pillar of virtue, which is why the Prophet says that embarrassment does not come except with goodness. As faith, shame it could prevent someone to commit heinous acts and will bring someone in kindness and good deeds. "Alhaydu minal imaan", shame it was part of the faith. "Idza in tastahyi fashna 'Maa syi'ta", if you do not have a sense of shame, the Act as you please, so the Prophet delivered his warning that we should not do anything improper for us to do.
In fact, shame is human nature. So people who have lost their sense of shame is the people who have lost their human nature.
Well, it is worth if we are concerned about the dramatic reality of life in our society today which shows how thin, or even loss of life of shame, from the stage of social, economic, political, and so on. Too much 'reality theater' is displayed precisely in order to teach and give examples of how to remove the shame, not the teaching and example of how to maintain a sense of shame.
Try it look, even the adulterer can boast the variety of media, without the slightest self-conscious, let alone feel guilty, perform 'is common sense', hoping to get a little more popularity.
What a shame the lack of disobedience that is also trigger a jaunty boss, and the parade of ugliness even longer. There are ways to dress the naked, no advertising prostitution, there is a 'comfortable' with a free sex proud to be the mistress, a mother to kill and dispose of the new birth to children, old people have the heart to desecrate the sanctity of his son, a boy who dared to kill their parents , there are people who have the heart to sell one another, and many other similar atrocities.
While the people in power who should be protecting was no longer ashamed to deceive and oppress, and the people who are supposed to protect the strong one and take it nasty. Corruption intensified so. In the year 2006, according to Survey Transparency International (TI) of our state was ranked 6th most corrupt of 130 countries in the world, and became the state no. 1 most corrupt in Asia. Eviction is happening everywhere, accompanied by violence by the authorities who seem to have no shame at his own conscience. In Jakarta alone (during the year 1996, a total of 11,386 families or 45,545 people were evicted.
Therefore, we consider worthy of what the Ibn Majah from Abdullah bin Umar, that if God wants to destroy someone, then God is removed from people's sense of shame. Of course, we should try to change it, we can be, before the destruction that took us all. (hanif)


God created the human heart with special functions; know and love Him. He will be member? all good for the owner, people around him, even the universe highway, if the function should be. Without the fraud and treachery. Instead, he will turn into a disease and the origin of all the calamity if the exit of the function for which he created the Divine Rabbi.
This is a sure thing. Even though he knows all knowledge except to know God, also tasted all the pleasures of the world, besides the love of God. Essentially, he did not know anything, and do not feel the slightest pleasure. Because he has pain, or even die. But, how is it possible? Therefore, all forms of enjoyment of his own world, will turn into a painful punishment tool. Really!
Bodily delights behind it, all forms of worldly pleasures to give continuity exists. New Life feels good when he was there and available, always. So if he's gone, because the tortured heart no longer feels good. The soul suffers because the source of delicious vanished, he imprisoned because the soul has become a prisoner.
Beyond that, delicious world of often deceptive. Until hearts will not forget human needs; know and love God. In fact, get enough of the world and no longer need God, is the greatest trick the devil. The most toxic and deadly. Is there a greater destruction than he?
Additionally) favors the world will never match his old mortal. He will run out and perish. Will come a time until it's over. Then the miserable soul for a farewell is never expected. Leaving only a deep sorrow, nor crying endless regrets. So short he was, was all worldly gains humans, not nature just waiting in line to fill the trash?
Not to mention the pleasure it did not stay there. Acquisition is not the mouth of all searches that bring peace. But it will be the beginning of the next search. Because, he would change from pleasure to pleasure one another. One object to another object. One state, one people, one form, and all type to another. Until it became an endless search that drains energy and exhausting. When will all be over if this fact?
And one more thing. It may be that all our earthly pride, is the most we regret, later on the side of God. Naudzubillah!
Love God more easily, cheaply, lasting, permanent, and useful. Mouth of all forms is a reassuring soul searching. Up without it, leaving the world is the worst state for humans. Because he lost his most valuable things in it. Everything becomes worthless, until all forms of struggle was very expensive for the results useless. Allah Nature. (Triassic) ar.risalah

Friday, November 13, 2009

Herbal medicines, safe?

Back to nature, is the motto that a lot lately echoed. As more and more side effects due to the use of drugs in the long term, so many people who started looking for other alternatives to prevent the disease or to maintain health. Drugs derived from natural or so-called herbal treatments increasingly have a place in society. Moreover the fact that herbal medicines have long been used by our ancestors to cure the disease of modern medicine make that much of that began to research the content and efficacy of these natural materials.

What is meant by herbal medicine
Herbal ingredients are plants or parts of plants used as the aroma, taste, or for treatment. Herbal medicine itself is a product derived from plants and used to improve health. Many herbal medicines have been used empirically (hereditary) as a drug in traditional medicine.

The definition of POM body of traditional medicine itself is a substance or mixture of ingredients of plant material, animal material, mineral materials, supplies sarian (galenik) or mixtures of these materials, which for generations has been used for treatment based on experience.

So in the traditional medicine could have material or ingredients derived from plants, animals and minerals. Usually, traditional medicines are available in powder form or stew brewed with water. Over time the dosage forms of traditional medicine underwent a change to a liquid, capsules or tablets.

Types of herbal medicines according POM agencies (the Food and Drug Inspection)
POM itself distinguish traditional drugs circulating in Indonesia into several types, namely:
1. Jamu
jamu-Jamu logo is Indonesian traditional medicine. Potions or materials used to make medicinal material which is usually a hereditary used for traditional medicine, such as kencur rice, turmeric, tamarind, ginger, etc. brotowali. Formerly herbs are available in liquid form or stew, for the moment has a lot of medicinal products circulating in the form of powder or capsule. Because traditional medicine is a product made from natural materials and types of very diverse nature of its contents, so to ensure the quality of traditional medicines needed a good way of making more concerned with the production process and handling of raw materials. For that the BPOM has issued a production standard of traditional medicine known as CPOTB (How Making Good Traditional Medicine).

2. Standardized herbal
logo standardized drug
herbal remedies are standardized herbal medicinal preparations of natural ingredients that have proven the safety and scientific
praklinik testing and raw materials have been standardized. So at this stage apart from herbal medicines have been standardized raw materials and production processes also have to go through the process of laboratory testing that includes testing efficacy and safety testing. Efficacy tests conducted on test animals in physiology and anatomy are considered almost equal to men, while the security test performed to determine whether the material is harmful or not. Conducted a security test of acute toxicity tests, toxicity tests if necessary subkronis or chronic toxicity tests. From the results of these tests will be praklinik known about the efficacy of these materials, the appropriate dose for the treatment, safety and even the side effects that may arise.

3. Fitofarmaka
FitofarmakaFitofarmaka logo is a higher standard of herbal remedies again. Fitofarmaka itself is the preparation of natural medicine that has proven safety and scientifically efficacy praklinik testing and clinical trials. So in addition to the drug has been through the standardization process of production and raw materials, and conduct laboratory tests on praklinik, then do the next drug to human trials (clinical trials) to determine efficacy of the sick or healthy people for comparison. This stage usually requires time-consuming and expensive because it involves people. After it passes clinical trials of herbal medicine has been a evidance based herbal medicine which has meant the medical evidence of efficacy and safety for humans. In Indonesia today there are several types of herbal medicines that have been entered in the class has fitofarmaka and even prescribed by doctors use.

Is herbal medicine efficacious and safe?
Efficacy of herbal medicine herbal medicine itself primarily fitofarmaka standardized and can be proven through the results of research through clinical trials or praklinik test. Still need attention also to the users of herbal medicines, because the words does not mean that herbal medicines are safe to eat without restriction. This is because the herbal ingredients may be contained substances that have powerful effects (and even some active substances are used to modern medicine the results obtained through extraction from plants). So we recommend the use of herbal remedies should be appropriate dosage has been recommended and used according to specified rules.

Which must be observed in using herbal medicine
Although herbal medicine is safe to use, there are several things to note if you want to consume herbal remedies, namely:

* Ensure that consumed herbal medicines have been registered in that security BPOM awake.
* If you're in the treatment of certain medications, you should consult your doctor first if you want to use herbal medicine (especially herbal medicines consist of several types of herbal ingredients) because it can interact with medications being taken.
* For women who are pregnant or breastfeeding need special attention, for this class is either drugs or traditional modern medicine must be considered because it was feared could affect the baby or fetus conceived. Make sure the packaging contained in that the drug is safe for consumption by pregnant or lactating women.
* If the operation will let the doctors about herbal medicines you are taking, this is because there are some herbal medicines that can affect the success of the operation because it can affect the process of anesthesia or cause serious complications. Complications that may occur such as increased blood pressure or increase the risk of hemorrhage.
* Children under the age of 18 years and older people over the age of 65 need medical supervision. This is because herbal medicines are usually not in the test to children because the metabolism of people who are usually older adults differ.

Before you choose, consult with your doctor first
We recommend that before deciding to use herbal medicine, consult first with your doctor to get advice on:

* The potential efficacy and safety or even the side effects that may be present in these herbal ingredients.
* There are at least interaction with drugs currently being consumed.
* If your doctor is less known about herbal medicine reference ask other health professionals or the pharmacist who knows about these herbal remedies.
READ MORE- Herbal medicines, safe?

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Mystery of Numbers 13

If you ever get on a plane, then find your seat number in sequence, then you will not get the number 13. After 12 straight jump number 14 * This is not a coincidence, or because the wrong provider number counting. But there are factors that are believed, that the number 13 is unlucky number the same thing done by most owners of hotels, hospitals, or even storey buildings, no floor-to-13. Although some business owners were just following the market preference to avoid the number 13, not because the owners believe.
But, a scientific article in Smithsonian Magazine, February 1987, titled Triskaidekaphobia (fear of number 13), psycho-sociologist Paul Hoffman reported that the result of his research results with a complex phobia, the United States each year suffer at least one billion U.S. dollars due to absenteeism, trip cancellation of land, air, and sea, while degrading the performance of the economy, industry, and businesses on every 13th of each month, especially if you happen to fall on Friday!
Thirteen of the ancient European mythology is the number of unlucky, Unlucky number. Since it is considered sacred, in the West the number 13 used as "a kind of mascot" one of the horror movie, the movie called "Friday The 13th "Image Hosting

. And Indonesia bandwagon make the movie "13th floor". Thus, the number thirteen a scourge because believe as a source of misfortune. Perhaps only one case, where the term to-13 is not a scourge, namely 13rd salary. Unclear origin, why the number 13 is considered sacred. One version says, superstitions and various trust this myth comes from the ancient knowledge called Kabbalah. Kabalah is an ancient mystical teachings, which has been predicted by the highest Witch House Pharaoh's regime which was then picked by the witches, magicians, psychic, paranormal, and so on-especially by the Zionist-Jews who later made him a political movement-, they are known by people who love mengotak - ran the numbers.
Wherever arising,trust the sanctity and the unlucky number 13 is shirk, because it believes a cause that is not hissi (logical not), while not based on the proposition also syar'i.
"Those who withdraw for fear of bad luck needs, so he really has to do shirk." They (the Companions) said, "So what can delete it?"
The Prophet SAW said "Let him say:

"O Allah, there is no goodness except Your goodness and no bad luck except bad luck (which) thou (set) and that there is no god but You haq." (Narrated by Ahmad from the hadith of Ibn Amr, a).

May God cleanse us from shirk overt or hidden. Amen. (Abu Umar A)
READ MORE- Mystery of Numbers 13


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"Nothing is more useful for a slave in this life and Hereafter; and no more brought to safety, beyond tadabbur al-Qur 'an, lingering in thought about, and focus the mind to understand the meaning of the verses." (Ibn al-Qayyim)
One day the Prophet to read a letter in the prayer with jahar, loud voice. Finished the prayer, he asked a friend, "O So and so, if I missed one verse?" "I do not know," replied the friend asked. Prophet Muhammad was asked the other, but the answer he got together, "I do not know." So the Prophet SAW said, "How the fate of a people who read the Qur'an, but they do not understand?! As it did, the greatness of God's heart away from the Children of Israel! Agency had witnessed, but not with their hearts, Allah does not accept a slave to his heart witnessed with his body. "
The Qur'an is a guide, the light of life, and way of life for humans, There is nothing required by humans but has been described by God in the Koran; either explicitly or implicitly is why the salaf attention special to the Qur'an. They read it, memorized it, to tadabbur it, and remove it. All presented in a proportional
Unfortunately, morality is the legacy of the Salaf parts now almost vanished. Conducted by the Muslims now only read it without understanding the meaning and to tadabbur it, many of us have left or are not serious in the day with.

Al-Qur'an and as-Sunnah Tadabbur Ordered
Tadabbur, according to Ibn al-Qayyim, will show a servant of all signs of good and evil, a way to both, its causes, target-target, fruit, and payment of actors, he also would put all the keys to happiness and useful knowledge in his hand. He also will strengthen the foundation of faith in his heart, building support and strengthen the pillars. He also will show him a picture of the world, afterlife, heaven, and hell in her heart. He also will take him to the middle of the race and appeared moments God helped them to him. He also shows the events that can be used as a lesson. He will make watching the justice of God and His grace. He also will introduce the Essence of Allah, the names of His attributes his actions of his, what his likes, what his wrath, and how to come to Him. In addition he will also preach anything that would be accepted by the people who walked this path after I got there. Also about the various obstacles and barriers facing. He also will be introduced to the passion, nature, things that can damage the charity, and the cases that can improve the charity he was going to show the way the inhabitants of Paradise, Hell road, their deeds, their situation, and feature - their special characteristics. He also explained the level of the people who succeed, the level of the people who hurt, the classification of creatures, their meetings, and their separation, the factors below. Tadabbur ordered by many verses. Among them:
"So if they do not consider Al-Quran or their hearts are locked?" (Surah Muhammad: 24)

Ibn Jarir at interpreting the above verse as follows, "God said," Is it not the hypocrites that live up to the warnings of God contained in the verses of the Qur'aan which was revealed to His Prophet? Did they also think of argument-his argument that he explained to them in His revelation, so that they understand the mistakes of their attitude? Or have locked their hearts by God so that they can not understand the warnings and lessons which God revealed in His Book? "
"This is a Book which We have revealed unto thee, full of blessings that they to tadabbur verses Him and so that people who give heed sensible." (Surat Shad: 29)
This paragraph explicitly explained that the main purpose of the revelation of the Qur'an is so to tadabbur it and lived, not merely read; although large reward reading.

Sunday, November 8, 2009

Jus Avocado (avocado juice)

Avocado (Persia Americana) has a remarkable texture, creamy with a soft taste like peanuts, can give the tongue at a great pleasure with luxurious touches like silk.
Believe it or not botanical Avocado is considered a fruit, though often used for vegetables.

Nutrient Avocado
One Avocado contains the following nutrients: 23 mg calcium, phosphorus 95 mg, 14 mg of iron, 9mg sodium, 1368 mg potassium, 8.6 mg niacin 82 mg vitamin C

Throughout central and south american, Avocado is not only consumed with relish, but highly valued nutritious. "Hunger or malnutrition have no friends" is the word-kta favorite people now inhabit a virtual Indian peninsula and Yukatan highlands of Guatemala where Avocado flourish.

Most of us only think of Avocado in the traditional sense people think virtual people Guatemala.tatapi Avocado as a food that could keep the bones of joints to move freely and the new skin and supple. in fact we have never met anyone older virtual authritis rheumatism and as long as he still diligently consume ripe Avocado regularly in his diet.
Because one of California Avocado contains 300 calories, 88% in contributing as lemak.tidak this amazing fruit to provide lubrication (lubrication) is naturally in the body such as bone joints neck, elbow, wrist and ankle, and knee pingguk.

In addition Avocado is also used in a continuous diet can lower total cholesterol and also can maintain high-density lipoprotein (HDS: high density lipoprotein) or cholesterol-positive that can protect the heart attack.
READ MORE- Jus Avocado (avocado juice)

Story Thief

Assalamu'alaikum w.w

Once upon a time, lived a wealthy family. The family, consisting of parents, and two sons. Their wealth is abundant. Their barn, filled with piles of rice and wheat. Their fields wide, complete with hundreds of farm animals.

However, one night, a thief who comes into their barn. Most of the new rice reap, gone. No one knows who the thief. The incident was repeated, until a few nights later. However, no one could catch the thief.

His host of outraged by this. "Thieves damn!!, I'll tie him if I catch with my own hands." So cried the host. "I'll catch myself, I'll feel my revenge."

Two children, began to come to talk. "Father, let us just who caught the thief. We have enough to fight. We're old enough, of course, the thieves would be putty in our hands." Let us catch him! "

Not unexpectedly, the father argues another. "Do not. You are young and inexperienced. You're still not able to fight them. Look for your hands, still not strong enough to withstand the blow. silat knowledge you were little. You had better stay home. I'll catch them. " Heard the order, the boys could only silence.

Guard is tightened, however, that the family still theft. The father was still not able to catch the thief. In fact, now that cattle started in the capture. He was desperate with this. With a heavy heart, in the Go to the mayor to ask for guidance about problems they experienced. She told him all theft incidents.

Mayor listened carefully. He simply said, "Why not let the son who kept a barn? Why did you let all their desires do not you meet? Know, O man of pride, actually, you are" thieves "expectations that your son. You no better than thieves your treasure-thief. Because, you do not just steal the treasure, but also steal your dreams, and all your children's ability. Let those who care, and you're pretty as a supervisor. "

Hearing these words, the father began to realize. On the next night, he permission his two children to care for the barn. And not long nights later, thieves catch it, which turned out to be guardians of their own barn.


Friend, have we asked the children about the ideals and hopes? Yes, it could be we'll get various answers. One time they will become a pilot, and when others they choose to become a doctor. At some point they will say they want to fly, and when others shout to be able to swim like a fish. Although we know that ultimately there is only one answer to the future, however, it appropriate if we forbid them all to have hopes and dreams?

Thus, just as in the story above, there are many dreams thieves who roam around us. They, steal all the dreams, and take the expectations we want. They, always facing each of our steps to achieve life goals.

It may be that the thieves were able to come in the form of parents, friends, relatives, or even co-workers. However, what often happens is, our own hopes and dreams of thieves that. We own the biggest thief facing every step. We often find in ourselves, fear, doubt, and doubt in step.

Too often we hear the little voice that says, "I can not, I can not afford." Or, we often say, "Looks like I will not be overcome." "Do not, do not do this now, do it later. Continue like that. failure, we often make the rescission in step.

However, friends often go wrong ..
Failure, is a way of God to show us about the meaning of sincerity.
Failure, is a sign of a business that will never end. Failure, is a lesson in how to achieve all hope will be missed.

Indeed, no success is achieved in one night. Because of that, I assure you, with patience we will be able to achieve all the hopes and dreams. So, rest assured with all of our dreams. If we are able, and our conscience say agree, do not let others steal that dream - especially by ourselves.

And friends, do not make us dream thieves others.
Be confident with it all, because God always be with us.

Keep smiling,,, keep the spirit,, pray & effort ...

Jazakumullah have read,,, ^ _ ^


READ MORE- Story Thief

Thursday, November 5, 2009

A good life if you still feel embarrassed, wood preserved if the skin is still bandaged, By Allah, there is no goodness in life and afterlife of the world if shyness disappeared

Imam Shafi'i was asked, "Which one is more Afdhal confirmed or tested?" He replied that can not be confirmed without testing"

Limited food delicious delicious tongue lust romance favors limited only limited breathing world, when sua haqiqi delicious Divine, the highest culmination of pleasure.
Body for a little comfort food. Comfort the soul as a little sin. Leisure heart because little desire

Al-Fudhail said: a pious still considered stupid for what he has learned to reply, until he had his practice

"Get used to your tongue with soothing words and happy, certainly much loving you and less to hate you

Reason hairline bold with your heart, liver fragile as glass, reinforced them with your faith, the nature of silky make beautiful with your morality

The heart is a secret place, a lock lips, while the oral is the key. Let each
people keep the secret key

A fool is a dependent
the grace of Allah, forgiveness and
His generosity, and their
underestimate commands and His prohibitions