Friday, November 13, 2009

Herbal medicines, safe?

Back to nature, is the motto that a lot lately echoed. As more and more side effects due to the use of drugs in the long term, so many people who started looking for other alternatives to prevent the disease or to maintain health. Drugs derived from natural or so-called herbal treatments increasingly have a place in society. Moreover the fact that herbal medicines have long been used by our ancestors to cure the disease of modern medicine make that much of that began to research the content and efficacy of these natural materials.

What is meant by herbal medicine
Herbal ingredients are plants or parts of plants used as the aroma, taste, or for treatment. Herbal medicine itself is a product derived from plants and used to improve health. Many herbal medicines have been used empirically (hereditary) as a drug in traditional medicine.

The definition of POM body of traditional medicine itself is a substance or mixture of ingredients of plant material, animal material, mineral materials, supplies sarian (galenik) or mixtures of these materials, which for generations has been used for treatment based on experience.

So in the traditional medicine could have material or ingredients derived from plants, animals and minerals. Usually, traditional medicines are available in powder form or stew brewed with water. Over time the dosage forms of traditional medicine underwent a change to a liquid, capsules or tablets.

Types of herbal medicines according POM agencies (the Food and Drug Inspection)
POM itself distinguish traditional drugs circulating in Indonesia into several types, namely:
1. Jamu
jamu-Jamu logo is Indonesian traditional medicine. Potions or materials used to make medicinal material which is usually a hereditary used for traditional medicine, such as kencur rice, turmeric, tamarind, ginger, etc. brotowali. Formerly herbs are available in liquid form or stew, for the moment has a lot of medicinal products circulating in the form of powder or capsule. Because traditional medicine is a product made from natural materials and types of very diverse nature of its contents, so to ensure the quality of traditional medicines needed a good way of making more concerned with the production process and handling of raw materials. For that the BPOM has issued a production standard of traditional medicine known as CPOTB (How Making Good Traditional Medicine).

2. Standardized herbal
logo standardized drug
herbal remedies are standardized herbal medicinal preparations of natural ingredients that have proven the safety and scientific
praklinik testing and raw materials have been standardized. So at this stage apart from herbal medicines have been standardized raw materials and production processes also have to go through the process of laboratory testing that includes testing efficacy and safety testing. Efficacy tests conducted on test animals in physiology and anatomy are considered almost equal to men, while the security test performed to determine whether the material is harmful or not. Conducted a security test of acute toxicity tests, toxicity tests if necessary subkronis or chronic toxicity tests. From the results of these tests will be praklinik known about the efficacy of these materials, the appropriate dose for the treatment, safety and even the side effects that may arise.

3. Fitofarmaka
FitofarmakaFitofarmaka logo is a higher standard of herbal remedies again. Fitofarmaka itself is the preparation of natural medicine that has proven safety and scientifically efficacy praklinik testing and clinical trials. So in addition to the drug has been through the standardization process of production and raw materials, and conduct laboratory tests on praklinik, then do the next drug to human trials (clinical trials) to determine efficacy of the sick or healthy people for comparison. This stage usually requires time-consuming and expensive because it involves people. After it passes clinical trials of herbal medicine has been a evidance based herbal medicine which has meant the medical evidence of efficacy and safety for humans. In Indonesia today there are several types of herbal medicines that have been entered in the class has fitofarmaka and even prescribed by doctors use.

Is herbal medicine efficacious and safe?
Efficacy of herbal medicine herbal medicine itself primarily fitofarmaka standardized and can be proven through the results of research through clinical trials or praklinik test. Still need attention also to the users of herbal medicines, because the words does not mean that herbal medicines are safe to eat without restriction. This is because the herbal ingredients may be contained substances that have powerful effects (and even some active substances are used to modern medicine the results obtained through extraction from plants). So we recommend the use of herbal remedies should be appropriate dosage has been recommended and used according to specified rules.

Which must be observed in using herbal medicine
Although herbal medicine is safe to use, there are several things to note if you want to consume herbal remedies, namely:

* Ensure that consumed herbal medicines have been registered in that security BPOM awake.
* If you're in the treatment of certain medications, you should consult your doctor first if you want to use herbal medicine (especially herbal medicines consist of several types of herbal ingredients) because it can interact with medications being taken.
* For women who are pregnant or breastfeeding need special attention, for this class is either drugs or traditional modern medicine must be considered because it was feared could affect the baby or fetus conceived. Make sure the packaging contained in that the drug is safe for consumption by pregnant or lactating women.
* If the operation will let the doctors about herbal medicines you are taking, this is because there are some herbal medicines that can affect the success of the operation because it can affect the process of anesthesia or cause serious complications. Complications that may occur such as increased blood pressure or increase the risk of hemorrhage.
* Children under the age of 18 years and older people over the age of 65 need medical supervision. This is because herbal medicines are usually not in the test to children because the metabolism of people who are usually older adults differ.

Before you choose, consult with your doctor first
We recommend that before deciding to use herbal medicine, consult first with your doctor to get advice on:

* The potential efficacy and safety or even the side effects that may be present in these herbal ingredients.
* There are at least interaction with drugs currently being consumed.
* If your doctor is less known about herbal medicine reference ask other health professionals or the pharmacist who knows about these herbal remedies.

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