Sunday, November 22, 2009


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is a pillar of virtue, which is why the Prophet says that embarrassment does not come except with goodness. As faith, shame it could prevent someone to commit heinous acts and will bring someone in kindness and good deeds. "Alhaydu minal imaan", shame it was part of the faith. "Idza in tastahyi fashna 'Maa syi'ta", if you do not have a sense of shame, the Act as you please, so the Prophet delivered his warning that we should not do anything improper for us to do.
In fact, shame is human nature. So people who have lost their sense of shame is the people who have lost their human nature.
Well, it is worth if we are concerned about the dramatic reality of life in our society today which shows how thin, or even loss of life of shame, from the stage of social, economic, political, and so on. Too much 'reality theater' is displayed precisely in order to teach and give examples of how to remove the shame, not the teaching and example of how to maintain a sense of shame.
Try it look, even the adulterer can boast the variety of media, without the slightest self-conscious, let alone feel guilty, perform 'is common sense', hoping to get a little more popularity.
What a shame the lack of disobedience that is also trigger a jaunty boss, and the parade of ugliness even longer. There are ways to dress the naked, no advertising prostitution, there is a 'comfortable' with a free sex proud to be the mistress, a mother to kill and dispose of the new birth to children, old people have the heart to desecrate the sanctity of his son, a boy who dared to kill their parents , there are people who have the heart to sell one another, and many other similar atrocities.
While the people in power who should be protecting was no longer ashamed to deceive and oppress, and the people who are supposed to protect the strong one and take it nasty. Corruption intensified so. In the year 2006, according to Survey Transparency International (TI) of our state was ranked 6th most corrupt of 130 countries in the world, and became the state no. 1 most corrupt in Asia. Eviction is happening everywhere, accompanied by violence by the authorities who seem to have no shame at his own conscience. In Jakarta alone (during the year 1996, a total of 11,386 families or 45,545 people were evicted.
Therefore, we consider worthy of what the Ibn Majah from Abdullah bin Umar, that if God wants to destroy someone, then God is removed from people's sense of shame. Of course, we should try to change it, we can be, before the destruction that took us all. (hanif)

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