Sunday, November 22, 2009


Appeal Satan always leads to hell. But do not imagine that the devil only offered for the sin of sins openly. Not infrequently the devil offers good, better version of the goodness of human passions, sometimes even too good in the eyes of the Shari'a.
Short-term targets can vary. It could be a ploy of Satan to persuade people to want to follow a hidden malicious purpose. Or at least make a human sympathy for the devil and his followers. So that people think that Satan can do good.

Trick To Wrong Man
Subject bid 'goodness' which is the devil in order to persuade, there are famous stories about pious wishing to cut down trees that made the offerings. Ibn al-Jawzi mention the story in his book "Talbiisu Ibliis".
There is a tree that made the offerings. Then came a man who intended to cut it down. He said, "What if I cut down this tree!" It was time he went to cut down the tree with angry for God. In the middle of the road, the devil incarnate as a human being intercepted, then asked, "What do you want?" The man answered, "I want to cut down this tree, because it has made gods besides Allah." Satan said, "As long as you do not come worship, what is your problem with people who worship him?
The man said, "I'm still going to cut it down."
Both men struggled to be able to beat devil. Then Satan said, "Would I suggest to you something better than what you want to do? Do you cut them down, and you will get the money two dinars every day!"
The man asked, "Where do I get it?"
Satan incarnate so people say, "I'll give it to you."
The offer was peppered with gloss-polished 'goodness'. Is not the money that he could give charity? Is not the money of two pence per day is enough to finance his life without having to waste time at work, then he could occupy himself with worship?
result, he agreed with the devil bid. He returned to the house, and in the morning right 'did he get the money two dinars under his pillow. But the next day he did not get it. So she began to rage and rushed to immediately cut down the tree. Again, the devil catch the human form as before. Satan asked, "What do you want?" The man answered, "I want to cut down a tree which is worshiped but Allah!" Satan said, "Nonsense, you will not be able to do it!" Both returned to wrestle the devil finally able beat man saying, "You know, who am I? I was the devil. First you came in with a fury for God, then I can not beat you, then I persuade you to the dinar, then I cheat you, then when now you come with anger because of the money two dinars,me able to beat you. "
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Inviting Strategy Sympathy
Sometimes, the devil offers or doing good with the intention of enticing. To be human is resistant to neutral, or even be sympathetic. Despite the good he did sometimes good version of lust.
How often puzzled humans caused unbelievers, heretics or servants of Satan who do 'good'. Confusion that would at least reduce the tension hatred, pulling false verdict, until finally it as a good person.
Still remember the feud between the shaman when United States President to visit Indonesia? Ki Gendeng Pamungkas notebene a shaman who showed antipathy toward George W. Bush. Whereas the general view of Islamic activists and advocates, he is the most evil man most responsible for the massacre of Muslims around the world. Ki Gendeng
voodoo even Bush would announce the Voodo, type of witchcraft through the border region.vacillation started covering some of the community, including the Muslims. To whom favor to be given. To the shaman, called Ibn al-Qayyim as' the apostle of Satan, or whether Bush is considered a human devil?devil voodo the devil?
results, not a few who then gave an appreciation of Ki Gendeng action. A banner that clearly includes the words "I hope Bush got wizards," color anti-Bush demo citizens.
Meanwhile, on the part of the pro-Bush, other shamans, he could not stay silent. They mobilize domestic genies them to fortify the bush from the wizards. This group was won, until after Bush's visit, at the Bogor Palace was a shaman ritual slaughter of geese following two other uba rampe as offerings. When asked about the procession, the shaman said, "This event is to summon genies back I've posted to protect and Bogor Presidential Palace during a visit bush." He claimed, a few days earlier had put the genie 1000 for this purpose. The reason was also to 'good', ie that witchcraft does not stray to president SBY. Well! What is not confusing?
That trick of Satan, also taught strategies for loyal followers. Be assured, any good done by merely pepesan empty. If it was not to persuade to disobedience, the 'goodness' was made to invite sympathy, sympathy for human beings and not him as an enemy.
But God said, "Verily Satan is an enemy to you, so treat him as an enemy (you), because the real devil-worship was only to bring them into golongannya Hell fire." (Surah Fatir: 6)
Whatever he does, as tall as any 'good' that ditampakkannya, Satan is the enemy. Taufiq billahit Wa. (Abu Umar A.) Ar Risalah

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