Sunday, November 8, 2009

Story Thief

Assalamu'alaikum w.w

Once upon a time, lived a wealthy family. The family, consisting of parents, and two sons. Their wealth is abundant. Their barn, filled with piles of rice and wheat. Their fields wide, complete with hundreds of farm animals.

However, one night, a thief who comes into their barn. Most of the new rice reap, gone. No one knows who the thief. The incident was repeated, until a few nights later. However, no one could catch the thief.

His host of outraged by this. "Thieves damn!!, I'll tie him if I catch with my own hands." So cried the host. "I'll catch myself, I'll feel my revenge."

Two children, began to come to talk. "Father, let us just who caught the thief. We have enough to fight. We're old enough, of course, the thieves would be putty in our hands." Let us catch him! "

Not unexpectedly, the father argues another. "Do not. You are young and inexperienced. You're still not able to fight them. Look for your hands, still not strong enough to withstand the blow. silat knowledge you were little. You had better stay home. I'll catch them. " Heard the order, the boys could only silence.

Guard is tightened, however, that the family still theft. The father was still not able to catch the thief. In fact, now that cattle started in the capture. He was desperate with this. With a heavy heart, in the Go to the mayor to ask for guidance about problems they experienced. She told him all theft incidents.

Mayor listened carefully. He simply said, "Why not let the son who kept a barn? Why did you let all their desires do not you meet? Know, O man of pride, actually, you are" thieves "expectations that your son. You no better than thieves your treasure-thief. Because, you do not just steal the treasure, but also steal your dreams, and all your children's ability. Let those who care, and you're pretty as a supervisor. "

Hearing these words, the father began to realize. On the next night, he permission his two children to care for the barn. And not long nights later, thieves catch it, which turned out to be guardians of their own barn.


Friend, have we asked the children about the ideals and hopes? Yes, it could be we'll get various answers. One time they will become a pilot, and when others they choose to become a doctor. At some point they will say they want to fly, and when others shout to be able to swim like a fish. Although we know that ultimately there is only one answer to the future, however, it appropriate if we forbid them all to have hopes and dreams?

Thus, just as in the story above, there are many dreams thieves who roam around us. They, steal all the dreams, and take the expectations we want. They, always facing each of our steps to achieve life goals.

It may be that the thieves were able to come in the form of parents, friends, relatives, or even co-workers. However, what often happens is, our own hopes and dreams of thieves that. We own the biggest thief facing every step. We often find in ourselves, fear, doubt, and doubt in step.

Too often we hear the little voice that says, "I can not, I can not afford." Or, we often say, "Looks like I will not be overcome." "Do not, do not do this now, do it later. Continue like that. failure, we often make the rescission in step.

However, friends often go wrong ..
Failure, is a way of God to show us about the meaning of sincerity.
Failure, is a sign of a business that will never end. Failure, is a lesson in how to achieve all hope will be missed.

Indeed, no success is achieved in one night. Because of that, I assure you, with patience we will be able to achieve all the hopes and dreams. So, rest assured with all of our dreams. If we are able, and our conscience say agree, do not let others steal that dream - especially by ourselves.

And friends, do not make us dream thieves others.
Be confident with it all, because God always be with us.

Keep smiling,,, keep the spirit,, pray & effort ...

Jazakumullah have read,,, ^ _ ^


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