Thursday, November 5, 2009

GOD Loved, Loving PEOPLE

Love the World, let alone make the world as a destination is the base of the mistakes and misery. In addition because of his tortured soul was never satisfied with the existing, the search world is also very draining, so worship was abandoned. Not to mention the death of a heart that will make the world a cruel lover to others, such as the word of Allah, he is more savage than the two hungry wolves. Gained favor was not as expensive 'cost' is depleted.
In this context, the attitude zuhud is a glory in view of the world. Although Suyfan at-Tsauri declared that zuhud not identical with coarse food and clothing in rags, but the balance between the attitude and enthusiasm for zuhud income and worldly success certainly not easy. Often, zuhud by identic with rejection of the world. Really?

Understanding Proportional
Confirming our understanding of zuhud is the first step we should do. Because the way we behave and act true is determined by how we understand things. Until when there are people who look shabby and coarse meal zuhud behalf, we are not surprised. There's something wrong in their understanding.
In this case Ibn Taymiyyah said, "Zuhud is leaving something that is not any good in the Hereafter." Was Hasan al-Basri said that by forbidding zuhud not kosher and treasure wasted. Zuhud is one's mental attitude in looking at the world, not to leave him, so looking for the world is not a mistake if the goal to build the Hereafter.
Thus, attitudes away from the world is not wisdom if we are able to reach the world. Because this would be counter-productive considering the number of good deeds that can be done with the property, as well as social benefits in the community-the majority of Muslims are economically backward.
Prophet himself acknowledged the importance of wealth as a pillar of modern human life both in world affairs and religion. This is reflected in the words He narrated by At-Tabrani, "When the end times come, then the support of religion and the world a person is dirhams and dinars". In fact, Sufyan al-Tsauri firmly say, "Treasure these days is a powerful weapon for the Muslims".
Changing How Glance
What is needed now is a change of viewing the world. That he is not the purpose of this life, but a means of achieving eternal happiness. An ascetic, so do not be deceived by the pleasures of the world, no matter how abundant treasure in his hand.
When we find our hands abundant wealth, which is the number of opportunities by think good deeds that lay before his eyes. So that the property was only a stopover in our hands, but not in our hearts.
In addition, we also have to believe that the whole world's wealth would be gone. Ibn al-Jala 'said that zuhud is seeing the world as something that would soon disappear. In addition he will be small and trivial, it is also easy to make our hearts turn, so do not be a prisoner. Opportunities for wealth is a test that would be easy to solve if we control spending and knows the area. God willing.

Heart set
For that, the arrangement of the heart is the next task. How can the heart not to be tied with the world. Then the busy chasing to negligent and ignorant of the duties of servitude. We must try to pleasure, willing, or 'nrimo ing pandum \ whatever worldly reward which God gives to us from devoting all efforts and energy potential of our lives. Because, as saying Fudhail bin lyadh, "Basically zuhud means willing to accept what God gives."
When the liver is not a servant of the property, he will remain stable and in God nevertheless husnuzh the financial conditions around him. He was not too happy with the wealth of the world when there was in him, and not mourn the loss of him. At that moment the servant with one thousand dinars money can be a servant of zuhud, as Imam Ahmad had stated.
So zuhud nothing to do with wealth or poverty. Indeed, more related zuhud on how to understand the world and its contents and the right attitude it.

Expand charity
According to Yahya ibn Mu'adh, zuhud will make people generous. He is the fruit of a correct understanding of zuhud, not a love of poverty, because we are essentially only sustenance deposit, a large number of small God only knows. Musayyab bin Said has said that there is no good for people who do not want to collect treasures from halal goods.
Zuhud servant is understood the many benefits of his property for others and struggle. He would not refuse if the property to him, as he was not going to reject the 'proposal' good deeds referred to it to be funded. She really has govern, and not controlled.
He will be a lot of charity with his wealth because they know the obligation and right to self-righteous deeds behind his property. In addition to the benefits and blessings to others, he also had secured him from the servitude of the world. God willing he will get a life far better quality.
Zuhud is a practice that can lead someone grabbed the love of God and fellow human beings. In a story told about a man who asked the Prophet "O Messenger of Allah, I am one practice show that if I Practice God and man will be happy to me." He replied, "you zuhudlah Applicable in the world, you shall be loved by humans." (Narrated by Ibn Majah)

Expand service
In addition, a servant who zuhud will also take the time to worship, munajat to God. Because such statements Abu Sulayman ad-Darani, "Zuhud was leaving something that can be neglected person of God." Zuhud servant will try to search the world be neglected not remember God.
He will manage time carefully, so that opportunity is by munajat and muhasabah mandatory agenda that adorned the days of his life.

Good Habits
One of the things that make us able to be zuhud is getting used to having a good lifestyle and healthy. Simple and moderation in food, clothing, shelter, and living facilities.
A custom ¬ will lead us to understanding that our personal needs, to live worthy of the treasure, in fact it is not too much. Besides giving room for good deeds outside of personal interests, this will also form a healthy habit to not always spend a fortune, any number, just to meet the luxury lifestyle.

Prayer For Weapons
Our hearts are weak, fragile, and easily changeable. The appeal was so sweet and wonderful. Therefore, always pray to God that our hearts can still choose zuhud in the world, we absolutely must do.
One of them is the prayer of the leading companions, Abu Bakr as-shidiq, "O Allah, make the world in my hands, and make heaven in my heart." In order for a small part of the world that we now have, do not enter ourselves to destroy our afterlife. And Allaah knows best.

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